Waiting on the Trade Deadline
Editor’s Note: Written on 7/19/19 Yankees fans are known for a lot of things but one thing we aren’t known for is patience. We are all expecting a deal…
Thank You, Dave Dombrowski
There is not a hint of sarcasm in the title of this piece, Red Sox fans, and those of you that assumed there was should be ashamed of yourselves. Obviously…
Red Sox – Post All Star Break from a Yankee Fan’s Perspective
I’m going to be completely, totally, 100% unbiased on this appraisal of the Red Sox going into the second half. Sell. Be sellers going into the trade deadline. Take…
Yankees – Post All Star Break
We’ve all thought it, we’ve all said it. What a first half!! We’re never satisfied as Yankees fans. There is always something they need to improve on. There is…