Price vs Eckersley (written 8/11/19)
Christ what a mess this has been. This crap happened in 2017. It followed David Price like a lingering fart for over a year until he finally conquered his postseason…
Boston focused post
Christ what a mess this has been. This crap happened in 2017. It followed David Price like a lingering fart for over a year until he finally conquered his postseason…
With 2019 all but officially pissed away by Dave Dombrowski’s insistence that we still live in 2005 and starting pitching is still vastly more important than relief pitching, many people…
This weekend presents an exciting opportunity for the Boston Red Sox! They can not only fully cede the AL East to the Yankees but they can continue their quest to…
There is not a hint of sarcasm in the title of this piece, Red Sox fans, and those of you that assumed there was should be ashamed of yourselves. Obviously…
I’m going to be completely, totally, 100% unbiased on this appraisal of the Red Sox going into the second half. Sell. Be sellers going into the trade deadline. Take…