It Begins Again – Doubleheader Column
April 7, 2022 The 2022 MLB season starts Friday, and the Boston Red Sox have some bigtime expectations to live up to. This time last year, the Red Sox were…
Red Sox pitcher
April 7, 2022 The 2022 MLB season starts Friday, and the Boston Red Sox have some bigtime expectations to live up to. This time last year, the Red Sox were…
March 16, 2022 The Lockout Ends The business of baseball is often portrayed as a treacherous cesspool of greed and deception. But it’s not until you follow the negotiations to…
November 5, 2021 Hello Again It’s been a couple weeks since my last column, and anybody that’s been reading probably feels like I was too crushed by the Red Sox’…
The Red Sox season will be over in a week, and their third last place finish in four years is the most likely outcome. With the Chaim Bloom experiment now…
October 3, 2021 I’ve been a Red Sox fan for 33 years now, and 2021 has probably been the most emotionally polarizing season of my life. Most years when your…